Normal_Art in The Freakshow!

Share your creations!

More ink demon. Detailed this time



Buddy Holly But It's Pyro [AI Cover]

(Cover made by me)


Big Iron But Pyro From Team Fortress 2 Sings It [AI Cover]

(Cover made by me and @Nicholas_Thy_Trickolas )

shitty weapon design concepts for Dri-Wood

finished the poster

these are my 3 mains, scout engie and pyro.

all the weapons are the ones i generally use on each class

don't mind the mini dispenser i just think it looks cool.

also, what they are sitting on are references too their meet the videos.

got kinda bored drawing this

didn't turn out the best

This is neku from the world ends with you

i forgot to share this amazing piece of art made by someone on discord of Ivory!

this is beautiful, thank you for @arpenereal for creating the original piece! (you did an amazing job btw and captured Ivory beautifully)

GAY PATRIOTIC MEN!!!! (Lt Pain and my TFSona) (art done by a friend on discord)

Play madshot or I will shot your mad